About Gresik Regency

km northwest of Surabaya.
Known as an industrial area, the cement plant dominates the
Gresik skyline. It is also a place of pilgrimage as Gresik
houses the tomb of Sunan Giri, one of the Javanese Moslem
saints, and of Maulana Malik Ibrahim, the first Moslem priest
to settle in Java. He died in 1419.
The regional government of Gresik regency is geographically
located between 112 degrees and 113 degrees east longitude
and between 7 degrees and 8 degrees south latitude, and it
is bordered on:
- the north: by Java Sea
- the east : by the straits of Madura and Surabaya municipality
- the south: by Sidoarjo regency
- the west : by Lamongan regency
The whole area of Gresik regency consists of:
- Rain rice field : 3,856,275 Ha ( 3.28 %)
- Dry field : 40,569,786 Ha (34.56 %)
- Garden (building and businesspurposes, etc) : 9,778,637 Ha ( 8.33 %)
- Forest : 5,550,015 Ha ( 4.73 %)
- Irrigation reservoir: 492,160 Ha ( 0.41 %)
- Village reservoir : 726,802 Ha ( 0.61 %)
- Lake : 169,740 Ha ( 0.14 %)
- Salt pond : 63,844 Ha ( 0.05 %)
- Fish pond : 14,482,319 Ha (12.33 %)
- Others : 6,310,399 Ha ( 7.17 %)
- Gresik regency covers the land area of Gresik itself and the isle of Bawean extending at 1,173.69 sq. km or 1,173 Halt comprises total land area of Gresik at 984.94 sq. km and total land area of Bawean isle at 188.75 sq. km. This region administratively consists of:
- District (Assistance to Regent) : 5 areas
- Sub-district : 18 areas
- The Kelurahan (village in urban region): 26 areas
- The Desa (village in rural region) : 331 areas
Names of Regents of Gresik :
- 1680- : Kanjeng Pusponegoro
- 1934-1937 : RPAA Soerijowinoto
- 1937-1948 : RMT Moesono
- 1953-1960 : R. Widagdo
- 1960-1968 : R. Sukarso
- 1968-1973 : Soesanto Bangunnagoro,SH
- 1973-1978 : Letkol (P) Soefelan
- 1978-1984 : Letkol (P) Wasiadji, SH
- 1984-1989 : Letkol (Mar) H. Amiseno
- 1989-1994 : Kol (AL) H. Djuhansah
- 1994- : Kol (L) Soewarso
The groups of Basic Chemical Industries
- PT. Surya Kertas
- PT. Intan Kertas
- PT. SHCP Indomesic
The groups of Basic Metal
Machines Industries and Electronics Industries
- PT. Tambang Batu Bara Bukit Asam
- PT. Jatim Bromo Steel
- PT. Panca Jasa which produces building constructions
- PT. Leewon which produces machines for playwood
- PT. Agrindo which produces agricultural tools and machines,
and its local marketing among exporting areas.
The groups of Multifarious
Wood working industry of playwood which produces furniture,
and its marketing for exported products. Rattan industry which
produces rattan furniture and its other marketing exports.
The Relationship between Industrial
Motivators and Small Scale Industries
PT. SEMEN GRESIK (cement factory) togather with its affiliated
companies has succeeded in giving guidance to industrial centre
of imitation accecories in the village of Klangonan, sub-district
of Kebomas.
PERUM PELABUHAN INDUSTRI III (Harbour Enterprise) in Surabaya
gives guidance to the rattan small industries in the village
of Beton, sub-district of Menganti.
PLN (State Owned Electricity Company) Surabaya will give guidance
to a small industry which produces children's shoes in the
village of Ngabetan, sub-district of Cerme. The permit is
still in progress.
PT. PERKEBUNAN XXI-XXII (Plantation Ltd) KRIAN gives guidance
to the centre of small industries in the village of Katimoho
and Slempit, sub-district of Kedamean.

Bawean Island
Bawean Island Pulau Bawean is an island that located approximately 150 km north of Surabaya, in the Java Sea, off the coast of Java. It is administratively part of Gresik Regency, East Java. It is approximately 15 km in diameter and is circumnavigated by a single narrow road. Bawean is dominated by an extinct volcano at its center that rises to 655 m above sea level. The island is populated for about 75,000 people, but more than 26,000 of them (that is about 70% of the male population) were temporarily…
Sedekah Bumi, The Traditional Thanksgiving And Offering
Sedekah Bumi Sedekah Bumi is a traditional ritual that still being held by some communities in East Java Province. This Sedekah Bumi is having different names in each region, but it has the same purpose either ways. Sedekah Bumi is kind of an offering and thanksgiving to the Earth or God, for the bountiful of harvest. The harvest can be either come from the fields or fisheries. The celebration of the Sedekah Bumi is different between one region to another. In Gresik, Sedekah Bumi is held during Zulkaidah month (Islamic…
Otak-Otak Bandeng Gresik
Otak-Otak Bandeng Gresik has some traditional foods that worth to try, like this food, otak-otak bandeng. Gresik otak-otak bandeng is different with otak-otak from Jakarta, West Java or Sumatra. This otak-otak is made by fresh milk fish. The meat is been taken from the inside of the fish without any bones. After the meat being flavored wit some spices, the meat paste is putted in inside of the fish again, then baked for some minutes. Those make the food special and particular. www.eastjava.com
Songkok From Gresik
Songkok Gresik is located in west side of Surabaya distanced about 18 km, be industrial town with Semen Gresik factory which is famous in Indonesia, there is also big wood crafter home industry and build since 1976. Gresik is rich in case of its tourism destinations. Meanwhile, the industrial sectors are also significantly increase relating the industrial area are mostly located in Gresik. Moreover, Gresik is also have some home industrial which is concern to the making of Peci. Peci or Songkok is an identical Indonesian male hat, which is…