Obyek Wisata
Bendungan Bening

Bendungan atau waduk Bening Widas, terletak di perbatasan Kabupaten Madiun dan Kabupaten Nganjuk, tepatnya du dusun Petung, desa Pajaran, Kecamatan Sadaran, 40 km dari kota Madiun.
Selain berfungsi sebagai bendungan untuk keperluan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air, bendungan ini juga berfungsi sebagai obyek wisata. Di sini, pengunjung bisa menikmati waktu dengan memancing, canoing, dan berkemah.
Waduk ini merupakan bagian dari Daerah Aliran Sungai Brantas dan bagian dari pengelolaan Perum Perhutani Kesatuan Pemangkuan Hutan (KPH). Dengan suasana alam yang masih alami dan areal yang luas, Bendungan Bening kerap kali diadakan kegiatan Pramuka karena memang lokasi di Bendungan Bening cukup representatif untuk melakukan kegiatan perkemahan.
Waduk Bening memiliki luas 860Km, dan di fasilitasi dengan kolam pancing, taman bermain, kios, dermaga dan perahu-perahunya, penginapan dan rumah makan di sekitarnya.

Grape Tourism Forest
Grape Forest Tour Grape [gra pe] forest, is such a forest tourism in Madiun, East Java. This tourism object is located in the middle of the teak cultivation seed forest and including the protected tree forest. It states about 17 km from Madiun city to the east side. Presicelly, in Wungu village, Wungu district, the area is about 5 ha. This place is sol calm and fresh because, having green sightseeing and clean fresh air. It is suitable for family recreation and need natural scenery to release tenses during the…
Indonesia Railways Industry
Indonesia Railway Industry INKA, state own industry in Indonesia, standing in 1981 which is located in Yos Sudarso Street, broadly is 220.000 m2 with the labour as much 974 people. INKA, moving towards from stem locomotive workshop in 1981 to the modern railcar manufacture. With the vision to be world class company, the business activity is growing from basic product to the higher value added product and service in railway and transportation business. The mission on business and technology is competitiveness creation in railway and transportation products that focused to…
Grape Forest
Grape Forest This tourism object is located in the middle of the teak seed-bed forest or other the protected tree. It states about 17 km from Madiun city to the east side. Precisely, in Wungu village, Wungu district, the area widely is about 5 ha. This tourism area is very calm and fresh because its green trees and its clean air. It is suitable for family recreation with its natural scenery. At the school holiday this place is very busy visited by adolescents or students. The facilities that available in…
The Historical City Of Madiun
Madiun Madiun regency, is the western town on East Java before entering Central Java. Madiun is surrounded by famous mountains like Wilis Mountain to the East, Kapur Selatan range to the south and Lawu mountain to the West. Madiun also noted as a significant city from the Indonesian History because there of the uprising of Communist Party of Indonesia [G 30 S PKI] which was had thousands of death. At early begin, Madiun was under the territory of Sultanate of Mataram. On Madiun history, noted that Madiun was a strategic…