Tourism Destinatons
Traditional Art

Various traditional art and traditional ceremony as tourism potency and have already to sold, are:
- Moang Sangkal Dance
- Angklung Topeng Dance
- Rokat Dance
- Keraban Dance
- Nelayan (Fisherman) Dance
- Andongan Dance
- Blandaran Dance
- Tera' Bulan Dance
- Sholawat Nabi Dance
- Nyello ' Aeng Dance
- Reng Majangan Dance
- Hadrah Jidor Artistry
- Salaban (Sandur Madura) Artistry in all (18) districts.
Beside its dance traditional artistry, Bangkalan is rich with its custom that still execute routine by the public, they are:
a. Traditional ceremony of Rokat Tase' in Sepulu district and Arosbaya district, that is ceremony ritual to request safety and benediction of sea from God.
b. Traditional ceremony of Jaran Kenca' in Socah district, that is expectation ceremony of guest at event of sunatan reception (circumcision) and wedding party.
c. Traditional ceremony of Hong Bahhong in Geger district, that is ritual ceremony to refuse the danger or disaster / disease and other bad influence in their life.
d. Traditional ceremony of Topeng Patenteng in Modung district, that is ceremony ritual to request lowering of rain when length drought reach it fierceness.
e. Marriage traditional ceremony of Moang Sangkal in all (18) districts. This ritual ceremony describe about a savety wishes in order not to have sin because a marriage of a little sister who having married first, left her sister who had not married yet.
f. Marriage traditional ceremony, Ka' Okke in all districts.

The Stairs To Geger Hill
Geger Hill Bangkalan Geger hill is located approximately 30 km southeast of the City Bangkalan, precisely in the village of Geger, District Geger. This hill is located at an altitude of about 150-200 meters above sea level. According to the folk legend, Geger hill was the first place that had been visited by the first civilian who came in Madura. On 7-8 Century, it was Patih Pranggulan from Mendangkawulan kingdom in the the foothill of Semeru became the first man who landed in Planggirân ( a set of rocks) in…
Around Toroan Waterfall
Toroan Waterfall Toroan waterfall, is another small hidden paradise that lies in Ketapangdaya Village, Madura island. Toroan waterfall is the only waterfall in Madura, and it become a particular. The particular is coming from the way of the waterfall flows directly to the ocean, precisely, Java Ocean. It has only 10 Meters high and the fall is quite high that make such a lagoon within the rocks. During the high tides, the entire area is covered by sea water and that makes the waterfall is pouring down into the ocean.…
Geger Hill Bangkalan
Geger Hill Bangkalan Geger hill is located approximately 30 km southeast of the City Bangkalan, precisely in the village of Geger, District Geger. This hill is located at an altitude of about 150-200 meters above sea level. According to the folk legend, Geger hill was the first place that had been visited by the first civilian who came in Madura. On 7-8 Century, it was Patih Pranggulan from Mendangkawulan kingdom in the the foothill of Semeru became the first man who landed in Planggirân ( a set of rocks) in…
Sembilang Lighthouse
Bangkalan Lighthouse Mercusuar Bangkalan or Bangkalan Lighthouse, is located in District Socah, 6 km from the center of Bangkalan capital. This tower has 78 meters high and was build by the Dutch and it inaugurated by Z.W. Williem III in 1879. At that time, this tower was use to guide the ships that went to Tanjung Perak harbor. Before entering the gate to go inside the lighthouse, we have to buy retribution fee for about Rp. 5000 per person. This tower has 17 floors building and the range of lights…