Tourism Destinatons
Geger Hill Tourism

Geger Hill tourism is located in Geger village, Geger district, and 30 km southeast of the city. Reside in 150 to 200 meters dpl height. This location is easy to reach by public transportation. This object tourism is prospective to develope as forest object tourism, because it has camping ground area and climbing sport.
Besides its nature beauty, this tourism objects has a sanctified statue and ancient omission. Acacia forest, Mahogany and teak forest with 42 ha width more. Five sacred caves that have historical nuance are; Petapan Cave, Adipodai cave, that is the father of Madura legendaries figure, Jokotole alias Panembahan Secodiningrat III at XIII century. Potre Cave, ex Potre Koneng cave, the wife of Adipodai, Pelanangan Cave, have the stalactite that looks like man genital. It has said if drink the water that drops from this unique stalactite, it can add the man sexuality energy. Pancong Pote Cave, have the unique form of subterranean river, its stalactite and stalagmite are colorful. Snake Cave, have its unique form of giant stone looks like snakehead. Have bank side in its north and south side, so that, it is ideal for having climbing activity here.
Pangelengan Hollow, is bank hollow in the hill wall of
north side. It is nicely, this hollow is extent of granite
rock / onyx, so that it is very fit for rest place, and
enjoy the beautiful of natural lake and extent of wide
rice field in foothills.
Pelanggiran site is in reef hillock form. This is the highest top from Geger hill. It has said, at 8 century ago, this Pelanggiran historical tools is landing place of the first human being in Madura, named Patih Pranggulang (Ki Poleng) and Dewi Ratna Roro Gung (Kuning Princess). In this historical area, the first Madura R Segara boy, was born from Dewi Ratna Roro Gung womb.

The Stairs To Geger Hill
Geger Hill Bangkalan Geger hill is located approximately 30 km southeast of the City Bangkalan, precisely in the village of Geger, District Geger. This hill is located at an altitude of about 150-200 meters above sea level. According to the folk legend, Geger hill was the first place that had been visited by the first civilian who came in Madura. On 7-8 Century, it was Patih Pranggulan from Mendangkawulan kingdom in the the foothill of Semeru became the first man who landed in Planggirân ( a set of rocks) in…
Around Toroan Waterfall
Toroan Waterfall Toroan waterfall, is another small hidden paradise that lies in Ketapangdaya Village, Madura island. Toroan waterfall is the only waterfall in Madura, and it become a particular. The particular is coming from the way of the waterfall flows directly to the ocean, precisely, Java Ocean. It has only 10 Meters high and the fall is quite high that make such a lagoon within the rocks. During the high tides, the entire area is covered by sea water and that makes the waterfall is pouring down into the ocean.…
Geger Hill Bangkalan
Geger Hill Bangkalan Geger hill is located approximately 30 km southeast of the City Bangkalan, precisely in the village of Geger, District Geger. This hill is located at an altitude of about 150-200 meters above sea level. According to the folk legend, Geger hill was the first place that had been visited by the first civilian who came in Madura. On 7-8 Century, it was Patih Pranggulan from Mendangkawulan kingdom in the the foothill of Semeru became the first man who landed in Planggirân ( a set of rocks) in…
Sembilang Lighthouse
Bangkalan Lighthouse Mercusuar Bangkalan or Bangkalan Lighthouse, is located in District Socah, 6 km from the center of Bangkalan capital. This tower has 78 meters high and was build by the Dutch and it inaugurated by Z.W. Williem III in 1879. At that time, this tower was use to guide the ships that went to Tanjung Perak harbor. Before entering the gate to go inside the lighthouse, we have to buy retribution fee for about Rp. 5000 per person. This tower has 17 floors building and the range of lights…