Tourism Destinatons
Welcome to Bangkalan Regency

Madura Island is part of East Java regency that needs a better access. Madura that consist of four regencies has a lot to offer. It has excellent quality of agriculture outputs and beautiful tourism objects and more. The presence of the bridge had expected to improve smoother flow of people, goods and service from and into this island. Mayor impacts had expected to emerge this facility, be it socially and economically. The Suramadu Bridge that connects Surabaya and Madura Island has expected to complete soon, extending 5.43 km with 28.10 m width.
The sea crossing from East
Java to the small island of Madura takes just half an hour.
Measuring about 160 km in length and about 40 across at
its widest point, Madura supports population of close to
3 million inhabitants, whom most are farmers or fisherman.
The most famous attraction of this island is the annual
bull racing (kerapan sapi), which takes place during the
dry season in August – September. These exiting and
colourful tournaments consist of a race between two pairs
of bulls, each team pulling a rider and sled. Then, the
finals are held in Madura’s capital, Pamekasan on
The interesting part of this attraction is when a rider stands on the ‘Keleles’, yelling and slamming while his hands hold two sticks and slap the bull’s weight and attached to the bulls. A pair of male cow races each other in 200 m length or known with Kerapan Sapi. Madurese always hold this race yearly from sub district level, district, and finally to get a President Cup.
This tradition has done for so long and it is a symbol to thank to God by cow breeders in Madura. Brown cow, a Madurese cow which is always in the race. Tourists are also can notice Sapi Kereman, to enjoy how Madurese takes care of their cows. It is the interesting part, begins with how the Madurese graze the cows, take care of the cow’s health with traditional herbs and train the cow about running. In the middle of Kerapan Sapi, there is an additional attraction “Sapi Sono”. It is a female bull contest.
The town of Sumenep of the North Eastern and of the island has some interesting historical, as well as some good nearby. The city’s old palace and museum are worth visiting, as is the large Jami’ Mosque with its green-tiered roof, above the town is the royal mausoleums Asta Tinggi. The two main beaches near Sumenep are Slopeng beach and Lombang beach. The former, which lies on the north coast some 21 km from the town, is a beautiful location with tall palm trees shading the edge of the beach. At Lombang, on Madura’s northeastern point, a long and narrow stretch of white sand is back by dwarf Causarina trees.
A narrow road runs the whole
along Madura’s attractive north coast, from Slopeng
to Bangkalan. There are many small villages and quite beaches
on the way, in particular the fishing communities of Pasongsongan
and Pasean, where the estuaries have packed with colourful
sailing boats. Near to Bangkalan there is Aermata Grave,
tomb of Ratu Ibu, which dates back to the mid of 17 century.
The tomb set on a hill about 4 km inland the town of Arosbaya.
Madura has well known for its Batik Textile production and
has its own unique style in the performing art; the island
is famous for its Topeng Dalang, a mask dance / theatre,
which at one time had only seen within the royal palace.
Most popular Batik is at Tanjungbumi, Bangkalan.

The Stairs To Geger Hill
Geger Hill Bangkalan Geger hill is located approximately 30 km southeast of the City Bangkalan, precisely in the village of Geger, District Geger. This hill is located at an altitude of about 150-200 meters above sea level. According to the folk legend, Geger hill was the first place that had been visited by the first civilian who came in Madura. On 7-8 Century, it was Patih Pranggulan from Mendangkawulan kingdom in the the foothill of Semeru became the first man who landed in Planggirân ( a set of rocks) in…
Around Toroan Waterfall
Toroan Waterfall Toroan waterfall, is another small hidden paradise that lies in Ketapangdaya Village, Madura island. Toroan waterfall is the only waterfall in Madura, and it become a particular. The particular is coming from the way of the waterfall flows directly to the ocean, precisely, Java Ocean. It has only 10 Meters high and the fall is quite high that make such a lagoon within the rocks. During the high tides, the entire area is covered by sea water and that makes the waterfall is pouring down into the ocean.…
Geger Hill Bangkalan
Geger Hill Bangkalan Geger hill is located approximately 30 km southeast of the City Bangkalan, precisely in the village of Geger, District Geger. This hill is located at an altitude of about 150-200 meters above sea level. According to the folk legend, Geger hill was the first place that had been visited by the first civilian who came in Madura. On 7-8 Century, it was Patih Pranggulan from Mendangkawulan kingdom in the the foothill of Semeru became the first man who landed in Planggirân ( a set of rocks) in…
Sembilang Lighthouse
Bangkalan Lighthouse Mercusuar Bangkalan or Bangkalan Lighthouse, is located in District Socah, 6 km from the center of Bangkalan capital. This tower has 78 meters high and was build by the Dutch and it inaugurated by Z.W. Williem III in 1879. At that time, this tower was use to guide the ships that went to Tanjung Perak harbor. Before entering the gate to go inside the lighthouse, we have to buy retribution fee for about Rp. 5000 per person. This tower has 17 floors building and the range of lights…